Padmount Automation - Automatic Transfer Systems and SCADA SwitchgearTrayer has been manufacturing Padmounted Automation equipment for over 30 years. Like submersible units, Trayer manufactured Padmount designs are built with 304 stainless steel, eliminating the rusting and maintenance painting typical with padmount equipment. These Padmount designs are available as either a single side access or a double side access unit.

Trayer Padmount Automation features include:

  • Full access to switchgear operations from one side.
  • Single-sided design functions next to a wall or a fence.
  • Reduced space required to operate equipment.
  • Standard design with two openings on either side.
  • Ideally suited as retrofit equipment for older switchgear.
  • Lower profile than single-sided designs.
  • Built with SEL 400 series relays for auto transfer and over current.
  • Versatile design allows customers to select the RTU of choice for SCADA applications
10 cycle - Padmount Single-sided Automatic Transfer Switchgear
10 cycle – Padmount Single-sided Automatic Transfer Switchgear
Padmounted Smart Grid Automation Switchgear
Padmounted Smart Grid Automation Switchgear
Automatic Transfer / Smart Grid Automation - Customized up to six ways
Automatic Transfer / Smart Grid Automation – Customized up to six ways
Smart Grid Automation in Double Sided Designs
Smart Grid Automation in Double Sided Designs
Smart Grid Automation - Customized up to six ways double sided
Smart Grid Automation – Customized up to six ways double sided
10 cycle - Padmount Double-sided Automatic Transfer Switchgear
10 cycle – Padmount Double-sided Automatic Transfer Switchgear